Lunar New Years holiday (Asia) is coming to a close in South Korea. My good friend Nas and I met at Seoul National University of Education, and took the Orange subway north to Gupabal exit, just past Gyeongbokgung (Government & Historical palaces). After stepping off the train, we walked outside, Nas picked up a pair of ice-spikes. Ready, steady, go... We missed the 701 bus, but caught another heading to the base/parking area. Weather was good, wind mild gusts, temp. about -7 degrees Celsius. We took the main winding paved road through the park entrance, and eventually wrapped around and up the mountain. Glorious hike lasted 1,2,3,4...5 hours! We were taggered and ready to end after hour 4, but with the help of a Korean man named "Mr. Lee" we finally crossed the entire range. Through a borough and into the main streets we spilled, finally we found the entrance to the subway, it was time to glide! ^^++ Good times & Peace out to Mr. Lee, Nas-fantastic for making it another full day in asia!
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