Facebook group "Cycling in Korea" & Arctic Bike 2012.
Interviewing live @ TBS eFM 101.3FM studio, Seoul, Korea.
Kickstart Morning Show with Shane & Erica, thanks for having me!!!
Listen in to TBS Radio - http://tbsefm.seoul.kr/
Busy streets near Chungmuro Station, Namsan Tower.

Hey Peter, [RE: Connecting Riders - Cycling in Korea - The Korea Times]
Great to hear from you!!! I'm in the opposite corner of Seoul (Southwest, Ansan/Siheung) the dungeon of Korea's largest metropolis, and the heart of the industrial fields of factories (I prefer rice!!! haha)
I'm not a professional cyclist, I am a pragmatic adventure rider. I have yet to purchase a touring bike for the Americas trip [pending], so I have ridden anything that can fly down these Korean roads, even Made In China, which is under 300,000Won, incredibly, I have done it on these, and my stories finally hit the Korea Times. My mission is to get as many riders involved in the Pan-American ride in 2012, it will be epic because people who ride with community, supporting charities, and hammering their yayas off, generally have a good time in tough situations. I've spent half my life going for the next adventure, Korea was no other, and I am still living that adventure, would like a visit with the family in Windsor, Ontario, it's been 33 months since I've seen all of them.
My ambition is much bigger than my bite, I'll ride anything with two wheels, but I know it's time to upgrade to something reliable for a long time, a home-on-wheels, and being faster and stronger are going to important features of the Arctic Bike in 2012. If you read my response to my friend Dan on my status update, it explains everything right now.
I have ridden to Suji, Seongnam, Bundang, Yongin on occasions (3 months straight, Dec 07-March 08) to commute happily to church in Ansan for Sunday service. I moved back to Ansan with my wife (Mi Sung, Korean national) and she delivered our son Matthew, whose now 16 months 5 weeks later. It's been challenging living in Korea, but cycling has been my savior, my rock, my companion, my inspiration for life!!!
Thanks for adding to friends, hope to encourage your riding and involvement in "Cycling in Korea" group or my other "Cycling International, Photos, friends..." would be good places to check out, the Cycling in Korea group was founded by other riders, I want to build the momentum there, I'm working on it now with these media spots, there's a lot going into the expedition work, training is vital, just going out and taking trips here or there can really help. My friend in Canada is going to be advising me on nutrition, training (already recommended spinning indoors!!! have to start with that soon!!!), I cycled so much last year, in top shape (for a worn 36 year old), but destroyed my lungs with the road dust (Yellow Dust) as I didn't notice when it hit in the spring of '08. I ended up bursting a cluster of blood vessels in one lung, talk about cycling like a maniac haha...doctor ordered me off the bike. I did, took up skiing instead and wrecked my ankle last January. I went back to cycling after the winter, but I pick my days due to the heavy smog in my area, I've discovered two best routes: Daebudo Island, right in my backyard, West of the factories (outside the mainland airmass), and the second is Gangneung to Busan, the hardest riding consistently in Korea. I made mission trips on the bike there about 4-5 times this season. That's the breaker, the builder, the do-it-all ride for sure. Other places rock too (I didn't write the book on Korea Cycling, there must be sooo much more), but Seongnam to Suam, to Andong, to Daegu (where I stopped, 355km) is really good, or keep on going to Busan! West coast is exciting (very sweltering hot too, Ansan to Suwon, to Osan, to Pyeongtaek, to Cheonan, to Boryeong/Daecheon Beach (yes, the Mud Fest location), to Gunsan, to Byeongsanbando National Park, yes...that's another good ride. Even segments across familiar routes, go as far as you can, ride the subways back [weekends only].
I better go [rest], give me a call when you have a weekend free, I work till 3pm Sat, off Sunday and Mondays. Working Tues-Fri 2-7pm currently. I've been busy with life too, family and oh, I read/enjoy/learn a lot from the crazyguyonabike blog, what a fantastic place to enjoy!
Peace & Talk Soon! [ For more information on "Cycling in Korea" email: tesol2000@gmail.com ]
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