This is a collage of a single day's riding on Daebudo Island. South Korea. Canadian Adventure cyclist preparing for the Arctic to Argentina 2012, these rides are just the order of the day. 4 days, 300kms. Not bad training during a work week. I was glad to finally snap the chain, talk about quality rides built in China, test it before you go on a cycling mission! I snapped on the way to the terminal in Ansan yesterday morning, continued the trip to the East Coast on a Sold-Out express bus. We weaved the countryside of Korea, while avoiding the millions of happy vacationers making their way in a stagnant procession stretching for over 100km in sections, not a cyclist's paradise along those smoggy roads out of Seoul. I've been really excited about my story coming to print in the LaSalle Post and other area papers in Windsor-Essex County. Unfortunately, the link isn't available yet online, and the headline news is about a brush fire that burns a hedgerow! Hopefully, we'll see it turn up online, nonetheless, huge thanks for the coverage from Reporter Bob Stewart, a brilliant journalist in the community, working stories about the people who make our community, in this case, one that lives in South Korea. Thank you Bob! & Thanks to all readers who enjoyed cycling news!
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