[Photos/text courtesy of Kai Unu, Conservationist]
his family has been damaged by companies and individuals who pollute its ecosystem

another image made with mobile phone, this was at the mouth of the Rio Rancheria in Rioacha Guajira.
[Photos courtesy of Kai Unu]

Sierra a Nevada vista desde Camarones Guajira [Photo courtesy of: Kai Unu

Hey Kai, I translated your text chat. Thank you! I love cycling, nature and I love meeting amazing people all over the world that have a dream to ride bikes. Your right, I need to practice my language exchanges, especially with Spanish speakers, I will be traveling through Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Equador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina in late 2012 or early 2013 I should have arrived in southern Patagonia. This expedition starts at 65 degrees North latitude above the Arctic Circle in the Northwest Territories of Canada and ends in Urshuaia, Argentina.
Hey Kai, he traducido el texto de su charla. Gracias! Me encanta el ciclismo y me encanta conocer a gente increíble en todo el mundo que tienen un sueño de montar bicicletas. Su derecho, necesito practicar mi intercambios lingüísticos, sobre todo con hablantes de español, me va a viajar por México, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y Argentina a finales de 2012 o principios de 2013 I debería haber llegado en la Patagonia austral. Esta expedición se inicia a los 65 grados de latitud Norte por encima del Círculo Ártico en los Territorios del Noroeste de Canadá y termina en Urshuaia, Argentina.
Kai Unu is a Nature Conservationist and Cyclist. He inspires others to see the vision of preserving the delicate ecosystem of mother Earth, we only have one planet to sustain life, therefore, we should start to protect it. These photographs are a powerful reminder of what resources exist in nature, that should be left in nature's element. And we can see what happens when man enters the natural environment and destroys nature, or harms the living creatures that belong there. THINK.
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