Ahmed El Heity January 12 at 2:23am
Does the idea of competing on the Tour d’Afrique with bicycle racing enthusiasts of all ages and capabilities turn your crank? If yes, jump on your saddle and join the select group of riders from around the world who can say they have raced from Cairo to Cape Town!
The Tour d'Afrique is a 94-stage race broken up into 8 sections. It includes 22 rest days, 2 untimed stages, and 2 days of travel across Lake Nasser for a total of 120 days. The overall winner is the cyclist who achieves the lowest accumulated time.
سباق تور دي افريق أو طواف افريقيا
من اهم سباقات الدراجات التي تستضيفها جمهورية مصر العربية ، ويبدأ السباق من القاهرة الي كيب تاون بجنوب افريقيا ويقطع المتسابقون المسافة في حوالى 120 يوم
السباق سينطلق يوم السبت 16 يناير 2010 من الاهرامات الساعة الثامنة صباحا ولكن التجمع سيكون على الساعة السابعة وستقام احتفالية صغيرة قبل بدء السباق
سيكون اليوم الاول من الاهرامات وسيقومون بالتخييم قبل العين السخنة لمن يحب ان يشارك معهم في اليوم الاول
اما بالنسبة لفرق الهواة فسوف نتوجه يوم السبت الى الاهرامات للترحيب بهم و لحضور الاحتفالية في الصباح الساعة السابعة و السير مع السباق لمسافة حوالى 10 كيلومترات
على القادمين من الاسكندرية التنسيق مع احمد الحيطي من يوم الجمعة
Benny Zenga's Trailer (Video) "Where Are You Go - Bicycle Expeditions: Tour D'Afrique"
Brian 브라이인 Perich January 12 at 6:55am
Hey Ahmed!
I really like the idea of this tour and the coverage it's receiving in independent films and features...I think the route is good, but the cost isn't...
The Tour D'Afrique offers a great deal of support with bus caravans carrying gear and riders that are unable to continue, along with medical personnel to support tour health safety. Go down on this page and you'll notice the prices those tour organizers are demanding for the bus support and security...
Full Tour: Cairo to Cape Town Distance: 11884km Dates: Jan. 16 and May. 15 Price: €8,200
You can definitely ride from Cairo to Capetown without this tour organizer, but plan ahead, and definitely do it yourself ^_^ All the information is available through the internet. Google: touring from cairo to capetown. I know a few people who have, and a great example of a charity-based ride is Dan Harrison's "Better Life Cycle, London to Capetown, or Dan Martin, Extreme Adventurer that rode from Korea to Capetown, and whom is preparing for the first Global Triathlon. It definitely can be done! ^_^
Brian Perich
http://korean-world.blogspot.com Cycling in Korea
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